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Interpretation refers to conveying one spoken language into another, where strong listening, memory, and analytical skills are essential.

The United States has continued to grow more racially and ethnically diverse, and we can see people from all around the world coming to the United States to reach their dreams and participate in its continued growth. Many members of some groups have immigrated to the United States to establish their lives and those of their loved ones but are still facing struggles due to the language barrier. 

An example of a language barrier generally occurs between patients and medical staff when a difference in the native language or the patient is deaf or hard of hearing. Misinterpretation of patient complaints is a growing problem in the United States when English is not the patient’s native language.

Mile High Multilingual Services takes pride in the selection process regarding the linguists who represent us.  These linguists go through a rigorous process before they can start providing services, including but not limited to assessing their language skills, verifying their training, and multiple shadowing sessions, to mention a few.

Mile High Multilingual interpreters have completed training and obtained certifications (when applicable) to provide our clients with the best language interpretation services. We screen, shadow, and vet each interpreter to ensure top talent and professionalism.

Interpretation refers to conveying one spoken language into another, where strong listening, memory, and analytical skills are essential.

The United States has continued to grow more racially and ethnically diverse, and we can see people from all around the world coming to the United States to reach their dreams and participate in its continued growth. Many members of some groups have immigrated to the United States to establish their lives and those of their loved ones but are still facing struggles due to the language barrier.

An example of a language barrier generally occurs between patients and medical staff when a difference in the native language or the patient is deaf or hard of hearing. Misinterpretation of patient complaints is a growing problem in the United States when English is not the patient’s native language.

Mile High Multilingual Services takes pride in the selection process regarding the linguists who represent us.  These linguists go through a rigorous process before they can start providing services, including but not limited to assessing their language skills, verifying their training, and multiple shadowing sessions, to mention a few.

Mile High Multilingual interpreters have completed training and obtained certifications (when applicable) to provide our clients with the best language interpretation services. We screen, shadow, and vet each interpreter to ensure top talent and professionalism.

Simple process to get started with your own interpreters

Over-the-phone interpretation is practical for shorter encounters, appointment reminders, scheduling purposes, etc. A Mile High Multilingual Services representative can connect you with a professional over-the-phone interpreter trained and experienced in your industry.

When setting up your Mile High Multilingual Services account, you won’t have to worry about upfront costs or monthly minimums. You will only pay for the minutes you need with an over-the-phone interpreter.

Types of Interpretation:

  • On-site/ In-person
  • Video Remote Interpreting (VRI)
  • Over-Phone-Interpretation (OPI)

Please contact us toll-free for additional information. 866.264.5212

Why choose an interpreter from Mile High Multilingual Services?


Each interpreter is professionally trained and certified by industry standards.


Each interpreter must pass a background check and drug test and complete a minimum two-week job shadowing process under a senior interpreter


Interpreters in the medical field must have up-to-date vaccinations.


We are well known for exceeding our client’s quality and customer service expectations.


We support over 180 languages, from the most common to the rare, for in-person services


Our interpreters love working with us! We support local interpretation of our services and provide continuing education opportunities. Happy interpreters who love their jobs are the best to work with, and that is how you can distinguish Mile High Multilingual Services interpreters.


Additionally, we are licensed through the Cross-Cultural Health Care Program to provide Bridging the Gap (Professional Medical Interpretation Training) for Professional Interpreters.


Additionally, we are licensed through the Cross Cultural Health Care Program to provide Bridging the Gap: Professional Medical Interpretation Training for professional interpreters.


Our interpreters love working with us! We support local interpretation for all of our services and provide continuing education opportunities. Happy interpreters who love their jobs are the best to work with, and that is how you can distinguish Mile High Multilingual Services interpreters

Modes of Interpretation:

Simultaneous Interpretation is a mode of interpreting in which the speaker speaks/talks, and the interpreter renders the message at the same time into a language the audience understands. Typically, simultaneous interpreters work in a booth to help them concentrate and avoid external interferences; they also use interpretation equipment.

Consecutive Interpreting is a mode of interpreting and the process of orally rendering a message into another language after the speaker has completed the statement, sentence, question, etc.

Sight Translation is orally translating a written text into another language. Unlike simultaneous and consecutive interpreting, which involves verbal communication, sight translation involves the interpretation of written material.

Timing and Delivery:

  • Simultaneous Interpretation: Simultaneous interpreters must deliver their interpretation in real-time, keeping pace with the speaker’s speech. This requires quick thinking and the ability to process information rapidly.

  • Consecutive Interpreting: In consecutive interpreting, the interpreter has the opportunity to listen to the speaker’s entire message before delivering the interpretation. This allows for a more deliberate and structured delivery of the interpretation.

  • Sight Translation: Sight translation typically involves reading a written document aloud and translating it orally into another language. The interpreter may need to pause occasionally to ensure accuracy and fluency in the interpretation.

Setting and Equipment:

  • Simultaneous Interpretation: Simultaneous interpreters often work in soundproof booths with specialized interpretation equipment, such as microphones, headsets, and interpreter consoles. This setup allows interpreters to focus on their task without distractions and ensures clear communication with the audience.

  • Consecutive Interpreting: Consecutive interpreters may work in various settings, such as meetings, conferences, legal proceedings, or medical consultations. While specialized equipment is not typically required for consecutive interpreting, the interpreter may use note-taking techniques to aid memory and accuracy.

  • Sight Translation: Sight translation can occur in a variety of settings, including legal, medical, or educational contexts. Interpreters may use standard office equipment, such as computers or paper documents, to perform sight translation tasks.

Failing to provide an interpreter could be considered discrimination for groups that receive federal funds

According to“Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. National origin discrimination includes, among other things, failing to provide meaningful access to individuals who are limited English proficient (LEP). Executive Order 13166 requires federal agencies that provide federal financial assistance to develop guidance to clarify the language access obligations of recipients of such assistance. If your organization receives federal financial assistance, this mandate is of particular importance to you.”

Please contact us toll-free for additional information